Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy. No More Buts.

The Friggin' Happiness Fairy has just sprinkled happy dust on me.

I'm happy for you, now that you've found her.
No matter how much your doing hurts me, hurts me bad, so bad,
I just wanna congratulate you on having met the person whom you're really happy with, who is way much better than me.
I lack in every ways, yes i know.
But the past has turned me into a stronger person, a wiser one.
Kinda amusing, looking back to how i can fall for a sweet-mouther like you.
Well i guess THAT's why.

Some stories need no telling.
Some things need to be seen from another perspective, other than how they have always been looked at.

And to Pak Polisi, dostet darum. =))