Saturday, April 21, 2007

April the 21st, 10.30pm
Heluuuu my fwens! this is an announcement on behalf of my mum....For my non-mly fwens who hv mly fwens who want to order mly traditional costumes (ie. baju kurung or kebaya) for hari raya or other related occassions, can come n contact me!!! my mum can take orders!!!! even for u non-mlys who likes wearing mly costumes for some reason or another, can order also!!

utk kwn2ku, sesape yg nk buat tempahan baju kurung hari raya atau kebaya, blh calling2 aku ar k? mak ku leh amek tempahan dari skrg!!! cpt tempah, cpt siap!! da tkyah nk pening kepala utk beli baju raye nnt pada saat2 akhir. pd sesape yg nk nikah ke tunang ke kawin yok2 ke yak2 ape ke, leh tempah barang2 gubahan jgk tau!!! gambar2 nye ade aku letak kt segment 'junkies'. tapi brg2 tu bkn junkies tau!!! ni hi-quality nye products tau!!! ayuh cpt!!! sape lmbt nnt da tkleh tobat! for those who're interested, can get back to me ya? i'll get back to my mum n my mum will get back to me n i'll get back to y'all again!!! woo!

till then...calo.