Sunday, March 22, 2009


The confrontational demon inside her was being aroused.

There is the cross-junction at Bugis Junction where the traffic is most of the time heavy,
especially on a weekend.
Swarms of crowd crossing, taxis piling up, a couple of them beating the amber traffic light to join the queue, & stuffs like that...

Right, so the green-man lighted up for pedestrians to cross,
but then there was this smart-ass taxi driver honking & gesturing at pedestrians (inclusive of myself), to give way for him to turn left into the taxi queue.
Even before pedestrians made way for him, he has already inched forward, almost knocking an oldie down.
Others shrieked.
By the time I was at the butt of that taxi, I purposefully knocked its ass so hard, with the bag of books that I carried, that the driver turned to face me and eventually pointed at me, giving the want-to-fight-ah? look.
By all means.

I got really worked up over this occurrence.
Maybe cos I wasn't in the right mood at that time.
Realised that I've gotten into such situations numerous times before, some even more intense.
Though at the end of it, I'll normally be the one feeling guilty and remorseful.

Back to the story,
after throwing pissed frowny faces at each other for a good 10seconds,
I let the matter rest even though I knew that I was being stared at as I continued to march on.
Kalau traffic tak jam aku rase dia dah keluar & start the kecohness.

Should wake these kinda people up before they kill innocent bystanders or whoever else.
But then again, orang dah mcm takde otak kan, ajar macam mane pun susah nak berhasil.


How about me obtaining a Pre-Degree in Anger Management next?