Thursday, January 24, 2008

25th Jan '08

i'm left breathless by Shayne Ward's Breathless.

while playing badminton with mum at the home porch.......

neighbour: eh, tuari dgr suaranye kat radio eh.
me: *shocked, shuttlecock dropped on my head, mulut menganga*
neighbour: haha. dorg tak kasi tau ke?
me: *masih menganga*
mum: hah?! iyeke? tak tau pulak. ape station? ape 1t ckp?
neighbour: *tak ingat lah tapi pasal UK nye bende tu kan?
me: a'ah. *still menganga*
neighbour left....
me: alamak ai.... malu nye! hahahahahahaha! (ni part otak dah tak betol)
mum: hehehehe! lah...syg lah tak dpt dgr. org adelah tunggu dkt channel news asia dgn suratkhabar. rupenye klua dkt radio pulak. hehehe! mcm mana agaknye suara anak aku ni kat radio eh?
me: u wldnt wana know la ma. hancur berderai bahasa melayu adik. buat malu je.
*continued playing badminton, giggling & tersengih-sengih sendirik*


had a convo with this particular female netizen who wears the 'tudung' just like i do,
& came abt this topic abt tudung girls & tight clothes, G-strings etc.
so she was asking if i ever wore a G for as long as i've been wearing the headscarf...

me: eeew gila nak mampui kepe tak pernah sey dlm seumur hidup aku. aku tgk bende tu je aku dah leh rasa mcm terselit-sendat sey. eeew.
she: haha. kau lum tau until u try pe.
me: aku tak payah try aku dah tau lah girl. kau ckp ni mcm kau dah perna pakai gitu la kan?
she: mmg perna. in fact, i'm still wearing it. pada aku, comfy gila sey. better than normal panty.
me: dah slalu pakai pe mesti ah comfy kan. kalau kau tak pakai pape kat dlm pun kau rasa mcm kau pakai G gitu kan? tapi seriously, ape tujuan kau pakai tudung abeh pakai bende selit camtu?
she: tak salah pe? ape? pompan pakai tudung takleh kai G kepe? bukannye aku tunjuk butt crack aku.
me: mmg ah tak nmpk itu crack tapi nmpk the shape of ur lower melons pe.
she: kalau pakai normal panty pun nmpk jgk pe shape.
me: but not as menonjol kan?
she: haha. siak. kau bobal mcm kau baik sngt mcm malaikat eh?
me: kalau aku malaikat, dah lama aku cabot nyawa kau.
she: leh rilek sua ah pompan.

the end.

i'm so kemaruk with lower (or is it upper? the one near orchid country club) seletar reservoir.
i don't know why.
just love to spend my 'emo' moments there. lol.
nah, not emo.
just swaying with the breeze, sitting on the railing (or whatever u call it), looking at and listening to the sound of water slapping the rocks.....& talking to myself.
it's an undeniably great thing to do when u've got nothing to do.
well, actually i do have something to do.
but i've found something else to do.
pape saje lah eh 1t.
i'm just happy. thank you.
