Saturday, September 15, 2007

still considering if i shd bring this blog back to life.....anybody wana try to enlighten me a lil bit?
was blog hopping n found that most bloggers blog abt their daily occurrences or relationships. as im not bothered to be diff for this matter, i'll just do the same....

3wks has passed. 3wks of internship, 3wks of so-called enriching experience that i can be proud of n bring along with me after graduating. ha.ha. so what have i experienced n achieved so far? putting slips of papers into envelopes, not forgetting pasting stamps on the envelopes to be sent to clients. other than that, i create content page for piles of files, file papers/documents, arrange them. wait, there's more! i photocopied piles of papers n happily stapled them as instructed. feel so blessed! saggytwin, if u happen to read this, will u still whine abt urs?

04-09-07. just an ordinary date for u? not for me. [ive been HOPING for this to happen].
12-09-07. another ordinary date for u? not for me again. [ive been WANTING for this to happen BADLY].
u dont know, i know. so...ha.ha!

Ramadhan has arrived. hope to have a blessed Ramadhan. let us make supplications for one another.